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Arouse Oil

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Arouse Oil

Arouse Oil
Arouse Oil

Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs have been well-known for its effectiveness since time immemorial. Arouse oil is one such product that is useful for improving erectile functioning. Each ingredient of this oil has been selected after considerable research. While ashwagandha and shatavari helps in increasing semen production and sperm count, jaiphal and nagkeshar aids in preventing premature ejaculation. Jyotishmati gives strength to the nerves in the penis and improves penile response to the stimulating impulses sent by the brain.

[schema type=”product” url=”https://store.jiva.com/products/all/arouse-oil/” name=”Arouse Oil” description=”Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs have been well-known for its effectiveness since time immemorial. Arouse oil is one such product that is useful for improving erectile functioning.” brand=”Jiva” single_rating=”2.3″ agg_rating=”332″ price=”Rs.105.00″ ]


  • Til – Sesamum indicum
  • Azadirachta indica (Neem)
  • Jaitun – Olea europaea
  • Jaiphal – Myristica fragrans
  • Shunthi – Zingiber officinale
  • Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera
  • Jyotishmati – Celastrus paniculatus
  • Shatavari – Asparagus recemosus
  • Nagkeshar – Mesua ferrea


The oil is applied on penis before intercourse.


Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction


Aphrodisiac Nerve stimulant.



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