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Effective Home Remedies To Improve Sexual Desire (Libido)

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Effective Home Remedies To Improve Sexual Desire (Libido)

Effective Home Remedies To Improve Sexual Desire (Libido). Effective home remedies for improving sexual drive or libido or sexual desire are helpful in improving your sex relations. Healthy sex drive has special significance in the life of any person. Because healthy sex life improves the physical and mental health of the person. If you are experiencing low sex drive then you should contact your doctor. However, there are some natural home remedies to overcome sexual desire reduction. Effective home remedies to improve sexual desire not only boost your sex drive but also improve your mental health or mood. In this article, you will get information about home remedies to overcome lack of sex drive or lack of sexual desire.

Effective Home Remedies To Improve Sexual Desire (Libido)
Effective Home Remedies To Improve Sexual Desire (Libido)

Home Remedies For Improvement Sex Drive

Every man is eager to increase his libido and sex drive, there are many reasons for decreased sexual ability. Lack of balanced and nutritious diet and physical health are the main reasons. Natural methods are known to boost libido and sex drive. Learn about home remedies to increase sexual desire in women and men.

Apple Is Home Remedy To Increase Sexual Desire – Apple For Improvement Sex

If you are experiencing decreased sexual desire, include apples in your regular diet. It is also said that eating an apple daily can prevent you from going to the doctor (“An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away”). This means that apples contain all the nutrients that promote your overall health, including your sexual health.

Use Of Apple To Increase Sexual Ability

If you are experiencing sexual weakness or decreased sex drive, Apple can help you. You can use apples in your home in many ways. Apple Dessert can be made at home which is used as a sex tonic. For this you need:

  • 5 ripe apples
  • Honey (Honey)
  • 10 drops of rose water
  • 1 pinch saffron (Saffron)
  • 1 pinch nutmeg powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon cardamom powder

Cut the beans into small pieces along with the skin and make a paste with a blender. Mix all the components mentioned above in this paste well. A tonic to increase your sex capacity is ready. To get good results, you should consume half of this food item after about 1 hour of eating. But keep in mind that for about 3 to 4 hours after taking this sex enhancer tonic, you should avoid consuming fat-rich foods like milk , yogurt and fish etc.

Almonds To Increase Sexual Stamina

Experts believe that almonds can treat not only low sex drive but also sexual problems like impotence . Fetching or failing to maintain arousal in the penis during sex is called erectile dysfunction or impotence . You can also eat almonds with raw or milk to remove your sex weakness. Consuming almonds regularly is considered the most effective way to improve sexual desire.

Use Of Almonds To Alleviate Sex Drive Or Sexual Weaknes

There are many ways you can consume almonds to increase sex drive. You can have about 10 raw Unroasted with your morning breakfast. Apart from this, you can also take soaked almonds. For this, allow 8 to 10 almonds to be soaked in water overnight and then the next morning after peeling them, take them. You can also prepare almond drinks. For this, you need 10 almonds, 1 cup of hot milk, 1 teaspoon of natural sugar, 1 pinch of saffron and 1 pinch of nutmeg. Remove the peeled almond peel overnight and mix well with all the ingredients in the blender. This mixture should be consumed regularly in the morning and at night before bed.

Herbal Brew To Increase Sex Drive

Medicinal and herbal remedies are considered more effective than other medicines. If you want to increase your sex stamina and sex capacity then adopt natural herbal remedies. Because there is no loss or side effects of natural products.

Herbal Brew For Better Sex Efficiency

You do not need to buy natural herbal brew from the market to maintain sexual ability. You can prepare it at your home. For this you need:

  • 1 part asparagus (shatavari)
  • 1 part Vidadi
  • 1/8 portion nutmeg
  • ½ part sugar powder (Tagar)
  • 1 cup Warm Milk

Mix all these products in milk with the help of a spoon and mix well. Drink this mixture twice a day in the morning and 1-1 cup of sham. Consuming this decoction regularly for 1 month can increase your libido. Within a few weeks you will feel the change in your sexual power.

Dates For Improving Libido

Dates are a special edible fruit which helps to increase sexual strength wonderfully. Regularly consuming dates increases sexual stamina and improves overall health. If you also experience sexual weakness or low sexual desire , then add dates as a medicine in your daily diet. It will definitely help to increase your sexual ability.

Use Of Dates To Increase Sex Power

Regularly consuming 1 date daily in the morning can remove many of your sexual weaknesses. Because it can effectively reduce conditions such as loss of libido, sexual debility and chronic fatigue . To overcome sexual weakness, you need 10 fresh dates, ¼ jar of desi ghee , 1 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/8 teaspoon cardamom and 1 pinch of saffron. Now add dates and other ingredients to the ghee jar. Close this jar well and keep it in a warm place for 12 days. Then regularly take 1-1 dates daily.

Onion And Garlic To Increase Sex Power

Onion and garlic can be used to increase libido and sex power and improve sexual vitality. Onion and garlic are an effective aphrodisiac and libido enhancer products. But people do not usually recognize these qualities of him.

Use Of Garlic And Onion To Increase Sexual Intercourse

If you want to increase your sexual performance, you can use garlic and onion in many ways. Apart from this you extract the juice of one spoon onion and add 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice to it. Drink 1 teaspoon of this mixture regularly twice daily. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey to this mixture to make it more effective. But do not eat or drink anything till 2 hours before consuming this mixture.

You can also use garlic to increase sexual ability . For this, you need 1 cup milk, 1 cup water and chopped garlic. You mix garlic in milk and water and boil until the mixture remains 1 cup. It is also an aphrodisiac drink that is effective for those who are suffering from low sex drive. To get good results, drink this drink at night before bed.

Drumstick To Increase Libido

Drumstick is used to relieve sexual weakness. If you also want to increase your sex capacity, you can use drumstick flowers. Drinking boiling flowers of drumstick with milk can overcome the lack of libido . It is the best way to relieve infertility symptoms for both women and men.

Use Of Drumstick To Remove Sex Weakness

You powder dry bark of trees drumstick create. Boil this powder in half a liter of water for about 30 minutes and consume it. Apart from this, add 1 teaspoon of honey to 30 grams of powder and consume it 3 times a day. This can effectively reduce the symptoms of impotence in men.

Safed Musli For Better Sex Drive

For those who lack sexual desire or libido, white musli is no less than any medicine. The dried white musli roots are also known as Asparagus . In Ayurveda it is used as an aphrodisiac. This drug acts as a tonic for the reproductive system of both women and men.

Use Of White Musli To Increase Sexual Arousal

You take 15 grams of dried white musli root and boil it in 1 cup of milk. Drink this mixture regularly 2 times a day. White muesli is helpful in removing sexual weaknesses like impotence, premature ejaculation in men.

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