Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction After 45

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Erectile Dysfunction After 45


Erectile Dysfunction After 45. After around 40 or 50 men lose various things like hair, memory, muscle, motivation, and aggression. They tend to sleep less, lose strength and speed, gain weight, sweat more and get flushes and irritable. From the age of about 40 years on men start to deteriorate. One large study found that 6% of men who develop erectile dysfunction had their first bouts with this frustrating problem between the ages of 40 and 50. However, after 50, the threat of erectile dysfunction grows sharply. Men decline and along with it comes the so-called mid-life crisis with its mid age erectile dysfunction. In fact, about one man in three who have passed the age of 50 has problems in the bedroom.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a condition when the man is unable to obtain a proper erection in order to have satisfying sexual intercourse. It commonly affects men over 40 or 50 but it is also possible to affect younger men. The severity of erectile dysfunction varies among men. Erectile dysfunction is a dangerous disease. And in this, your sexual life wasted.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is referred to as the failure to achieve and sustain an erection long enough for a male to complete the sexual act of satisfaction. The result is a problematic sexual life which then directly affects one’s married life which eventually leads to soured relationships. In this, your penis will not be tight and if it is tight then it becomes very soon loose. ED is also known as male sexual dysfunction or impotence and is a very common disorder, particularly among males beyond 40 years of age. It is estimated that almost half the males above 40 years suffer from ED at least once.

At What Age Does ED Start

Erectile Dysfunction is also known as male sexual dysfunction or impotence and is a very common disorder, particularly among males beyond 40 years of age. It is estimated that almost half the males above 40 years suffer from ED at least once. The result is a problematic sexual life which then directly affects one’s married life which eventually leads to soured relationships. After around 40 or 50 men lose various things like hair, memory, muscle, motivation, and aggression. They tend to sleep less, lose strength and speed, gain weight, sweat more and get flushes and irritable.

How Common Is Ed After 40 or 50

Aging is often very unkind to male sexual function. Almost two-thirds of men aged 45 and over have reported experiencing erectile dysfunction, a new study has shown. So far we have discussed erectile dysfunction after age 30 and 40, but now we get into the first major age group where men are considered “old”. This is when you have reached past age 50. We know ED increases likelihood with age. It doesn’t mean you will 100% get it, but this sexual issue is much more common after 40 and 50. By age 40 nearly 50% of men begin to experience erectile dysfunction. This number increases by 10% with each passing decade.

What Causes For Erectile Dysfunction And Erection Problems:

Erectile Dysfunction After 45. Erection problems are often seen as a problem for older men, Erection problems are not always related to erectile dysfunction per se. Other factors related to a man’s physical and emotional health can lead to temporary issues in the bedroom, including:


Smoking wreaks havoc on the body in numerous ways, including hardening and narrowing the blood vessels, interfering with neural activity and reducing a man’s stamina. Crushing out the butts is a proactive step toward overall better health, not to mention improved sexual ability.


The Alcohol while a drink or two can help to break the ice and move things toward the bedroom more quickly, overdoing it can have an unintended and unfortunate effect. Alcohol is a depressant or downer, and one of the victims of the “downer” effect is the ability to become erect. It can do a lot of damage to you. This can ruin your sex life.


Depression and other emotional or mood disorders can manifest as loss of erectile ability; on the flip side, loss of erectile function can actually lead to depression. In either case, treating the depression with counseling and/or medication may help.


The pressures of maintaining a job, caring for a family, studying for exams, or anything else that keeps a man up at night can cause chemical stress reactions that tend to interfere with erectile ability. Reducing stress or finding better ways to cope can help to improve a man’s ability to react to stimulation.

The Good News

The best medicine for this is in the market. Now you can get the best medicine for ED problem. With the help of which you can get rid of ED Problem. That same study found that men were significantly less likely to have erectile dysfunction if they worked out regularly, maintained a healthy weight, avoided tobacco, and kept their alcohol intake to a minimum (two drinks a day, if you drink booze at all, should be your limit). So don’t accept erectile dysfunction as an inevitable downside of aging. One of the ancient civilizations that tried to remedy erectile dysfunction was the Chinese. The healers would offer potions full of 22 ingredients that were supposed to help resolve the ED. We suggest you the best medicine for this, with the help of which you can solve your problem.

Best Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

As far as recorded history is read, there has been erectile dysfunction in men. In ancient times there were no prescription drugs or psychotherapy in order to help cure the disorder. Many of the ancient civilizations tried to solve erectile dysfunction with a number of different remedies. If some time ago erectile problems were treated with embarrassment and denial, nowadays men tend to consult their doctors in order to solve it. Accepted today as a topic of medical studies, erectile dysfunction can be treated thanks to the technological advances. Here there is some medicine to help your erectile problem.


Best Erectile Dysfunction Medicine

Erectile Dysfunction After 45. These capsules and oils have been prepared from 100% natural ayurvedic. IH2 Capsule and IH4 oil are one of the best erectile dysfunction medicine in India. It’s an herbal ED treatment made by Dr. Team after a deep dive research on human penis Anatomy. This medicine is extracted from herbal compositions and natural herbs. IH2 Capsule and IH4 oil are made for those people are who are suffering from erectile dysfunction/ impotence, and early ejaculation. It will give you a harder erection and long lasting stamina. This is going to be selling in India for 11 years and Indian top medicine gets a lot of best results from this. This is a very beneficial medicine, with the help of this; you can make your sex life better.

IH2 Capsule And IH4 Oil Benefits

  • Helps in sustaining the erection for a longer time.
  • harder erection.
  • Increase Sex drive.
  • Increases stamina.
  • Relaxes corpus cavernosum muscles, increase penile blood flow.
  • Improve testosterone levels and blood vessels.
  • It is 100% natural.
  • No, any side effect.
  • Help in achieving harder and stronger erection.
  • Improves performance and increase confidence.
  • Very impressive result.
  • Pure and reliable Herbal ingredient combination

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