How to Last Longer in Bed
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How to Last Longer in Bed
How to last longer in bed is a question that comes to mind of every adult & married man many times during his life, But most of us do not know how to last longer on bed naturally without taking any pills or medicine. Here on this page we are going to discuss tips tricks steps & ways on how to last longer on bed along with exercises & foods that help in lasting longer on bed. The part of your physical energy that you use during sex is called sex power. Sex is an important part of your life that improves the relationship between you and your partner. Everyone wants to enjoy sex, but due to the low power of some people, they and their partners are not able to achieve the extreme pleasure of sex. If your sex power is weak and you want to increase it, then this blog is for you.

How to Last Longer in Bed Naturally
irstly, it is the need to define what is driving you behind the excitement line of no return (point after which you cannot stop ejaculation anymore).Those can be various from strong sexual imagination through too sensitive skin on penis up to lack of sexual experience. Ejaculation Trainer lets you to define and understand those driving factors and then this guide will help you to start controlling those factors.
- Secondly, one of the most important factors which affects your sexual stamina and is connected with the question how to last longer in bed lies in the psychic state of individual. The fear and too much thinking about If you will last long enough this time in bed is first thing you need to abolish. But do not be afraid even such mentally rooted and caused problem as premature ejaculation can be cured and you can easily get rid of it without any pills by doing easy exercises.
Foods to Last Longer in Bed
Apart from herbs, food also helps in curing PE, including natural compounds those are good at treating condition of PE affects the system to cure the problem. Eating 2-3 raw garlic cloves in a day is good and including it as spice in the food also gives beneficial results. Few pieces of almonds soaked overnight in the water and crushed after peeling them off in the morning later mixed with lukewarm milk with cardamom and ginger or black pepper powder, consuming two glasses of it in the day can be very effective in treating PE.
Mixture of dried dates, pistachio, almonds and quince seeds in equal quantity, grind them to make a powder and take about 100 gm of this powder everyday for quick alleviation of PE. White onion is an effective food for premature ejaculation as it strengthens reproductive organs. Raisins boiled with milk, approximately 30 grams of raisins with 200 ml of milk, consumed in the night before retiring is also an effective food for premature ejaculation.
Ways to Last Longer in Bed
There are several basic reason why you can’t control your ejaculation. But one thing which is quite certain is the fact that all these causes are emotional and none of them are physical. Though it is hard to believe. given the wide spread misconception among men about the problem of premature ejaculation, the fact is the almost all the cases of PE have their root in some emotional cause. If I am to pinpoint one single reason for it then I would say that the biggest reason for premature ejaculation is the inability of the person to handle a sudden level of sexual intensity.
Strawberry For Sex Power
Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C increases the desire to have sex. This is why it can prove to be beneficial for men. Because it contains folic acid which is used to make sperm in the body. If you also want to stay in bed for a long time, then sex power you must take strawberries. It can fill your sexual life with happiness.
Steps Exercises & tips to Last Longer in Bed
Total body muscular control:
Unnecessary tension in your muscles can work its way in to your ejaculatory system causing premature ejaculation – I’ll show you how to stop it by eliminating this tension at the source
Creating focus and confidence:
Simple and practical ways to shift your mind-set from fear and thinking about the “what ifs” – to being relaxed and totally confident in the performance you are about to deliver.
Ejaculatory reflex conditioning:
Out of all the skills I teach, this is the one that takes you to that next level where you can literally choose exactly when you come… every single time – This skill will take a few weeks to get right but it’s an absolute killer!
Why it helps
Putting yourself in the zone:
A key for long lasting sex is developing an ability to put yourself “in the zone”. It’s not as difficult as it sounds, and I’ll give you some easy tricks to get there.
Ejaculatory response awareness and prevention:
This is all about learning to read the signs that your body is sending out and then exactly how to respond. You’ll be amazed at just how many of these signs you are now missing, but these are a cinch to recognize and respond to.