penis enlargement

How Does Penis Enlargement Work?

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How Does Penis Enlargement Work?

लिंग की लम्बाई और मोटाई बढाने वाली वास्तु

The theme of “penis enlargement” often leads us to think about our inboxes spam, late night infomercials, and ads in the back of men’s magazines. But behind all the hype is some truth, and with a little effort you can take control of your penis size.

Keep reading to learn everything you want to know about penis enlargement. can really enlarge my penis size? If so, what extension methods work best? How do they work? How you can start adding size today? And much more!

Penis Enlargement: Yes, if you really want to enlarge your size, it’s possible. Like all body modifications, such as bodybuilding, it’ll take work and time to see the results you want.

How Does Penis Enlargement Work?
How Does Penis Enlargement Work?

Most Common Types of Enlargement:

The main ways you can enlarge your penis are through

(1) penis exercises and exercise equipment,

(2) pills, supplements and herbal lotions that have vasodilators and testosterone boosting effects, and,

(3) penis enlargement surgery.

Penis exercises:

Exercise more often recommended due to insufficient and side effects often experienced with pills, supplements or surgery. Many times all methods are combined for spin, such as taking supplements with exercise.

Penis size enlargement

The average penis size is between 4 “and 6″ long and 3.5 ” In girth (circumference) Most men who have” penis “begins above average .

How Does Penis Enlargement Work?


Penis enlargement works based on the same principle penis enlargement amazingas building muscle to other parts of your body. When tissues spongiosum and cavernosa of the penis (see the internal structure of the penis image below) are subjected to stretching, micro-tears occur. This then facilitates growth of new cells to repair these tears, as happens when you build muscle tissue elsewhere in the body.

Think of the penis like a brick wall. If you were pulled apart the courses of bricks and then filled the space between with new bricks, your wall would increase in size. New cell growth works the same way in your body, filling in the spaces with new cells.

There are countless examples of the body’s amazing ability to stretch and grow. From native customs involving the insertion of ever-greater lip plates to the neck rings used by women of the Paduang tribe in Burma, to the popular practice of gauging ears. Your penis is no different. This new cell growth means increased penis length and increased penis girth and enjoy stay long sex.

How do I Enlarge My Penis?

The Different Enlargement Methods

लिंग को बड़ा करने की जानकारी

When it comes to enlargement, you have options. Some are more effective than others. Some are more drastic than others. Which method you choose will depend on how much time you want to commit to your goals, and how comfortable you are with with particular method.

Penis Enlargement Exercises 

Place your other hand in an overhand OK-grip, tightly over the area where the glans of your penis meets the shaft. Do not put direct pressure on the glans.

Slowly bring both hands slightly toward each other, compressing the shaft of the penis.

While the shaft is compressed, bend the shaft back and forth, to put tension along those areas to increase growth.

Penis enlargement exercises penis enlargement surveyare a natural way of penis enlargement, and one of the most effective methods. They, along with exercise equipment, are our most recommended penis enlargement due to the disadvantages or lower results sometimes seen with surgery and supplements forms.

Often, other methods are combined with exercise routines, such as taking supplements and exercise to maximize results of enlargement. However, ultimately, safer, more reliable and permanent way to get growth is to focus on the exercise.

How Penis Enlargement Exercises Work

Exercises work through a contract to build muscles (Kegel), applying traction (sections), or force the nutrient-rich blood to the penis (Jelqs) to stimulate growth. The best part? Penis enlargement exercises require no special equipment other than yourself, time and appropriate to exercise (yes, that disqualifies the bathroom at work) instead.

Common Types of Penis Enlargement Exercises

Penis exercises come in many forms. The most common ones are:

penis enlargement size matters for stay long on bed

  • Jelqing
  • Kegels
  • Compression
  • Stretching

For additional information you can read about penis exercise in our article, Penis Exercise Naturally via IH3 and IH4 Treatment – How penis exercises work and how it can work for you. A book of instruction, such as penis exercises will have detailed instructions and photos for individual exercises and routines that should be used to reach safe penis enlargement results you want.


Jelqing is a basic exercise, which uses a milking motion to force the nutrient-rich blood into the penis, while also extends to enlarge. This is a simple four-step exercise, but effective, performed while the penis is in a level 50-75% erection (erectile higher levels can be used for more advanced athletes). The are four steps.

Jelqing OK-grip

  1. Form an OK-grip with your index finger and thumb, around the base of your penis.
  2. With a light pressure, slowly move your grip up the shaft of the penis.
  3. Stop just before the glans.
  4. Repeat.

See our What is Jelqing? page for full details on jelqing, and the variations to maximize growth.


Originally designed for women, Kegel exercises are a great way for men to Kegel how tostrengthen their pubococcygeus muscle (PC). These are the skeletal muscles needed to support its angle of erection and orgasm control.

Additionally, Kegeling increases blood flow to the penis, for enlargement.  These can be performed nearly anywhere.


  1. Locate your pelvic floor muscles.
  2. Contract your muscles.
  3. Hold the contraction.
  4. Release and repeat.


These exercises use compression to emphasize the penile tissues, stimulating new cell growth and enlargement. Compression exercises are especially good for expanding girth.

penis enlargement compressor The Compressor is one of the most common exercises advanced compression and is excellent for improving the circumference. This is an exercise with both hands. These are the steps to make the exercise of the compressor

  1. Use an overhand OK-grip tightly around the base of your penis.
  2. Place your other hand in an overhand OK-grip, tightly over the area where the glans of your penis meets the shaft. Do not put direct pressure on the glans.
  3. Slowly bring both hands slightly toward each other, compressing the shaft of the penis.
  4. While the shaft is compressed, bend the shaft back and forth, to put tension along those areas to increase growth.


To stretch the penis is to emphasize fabrics that create micro-tears. As you grow new tissues, filling the space created by the tears, the total size of the penis grows. Stretching exercises are of particular use if your goal is to increase the length of your penis.

However, you do not want to stretch so hard as to cause pain. Be stretchsure penis enlargement gradually increase your intensity throughout your exercise regimen. Stretching can be performed in multiple directions:

  1. Straight out away from the body – This stretch is perfect as a general length exercise.
  2. To the left or right (pictured) – Stretching to the left or right is useful when correcting a penis curve.
  3. Downward or upward – Stretching down or up places the tension on the upper or lower part of the shaft (respectively).
  4. Or a combination of any of the above – Combine stretch directions to maximize the areas targeted by your stretching workout.


Penis Enlargement Pills and Lotions

Herbal remedies for penis enlargement on the market today are available in a wide variety. They can come in the form of a supplement, orally or as a cream or lotion is applied directly to the penis.

How Penis Enlargement Supplements Work

Oriental medicine practitioners have long known that the Ih3 and Ih4 penis enlargement herbs value herbal remedies, and it is no surprise that there are several herbs that can be used for penis enlargement. Certain herbs temporarily stimulate blood flow, an important component and formula for penile growth.

The hardest part is figuring out which herbs have real value. There are plenty of “remedies” on the Internet that either does not work, have undesirable side effects or cause real health risks. Find products known to help effectively safe ingredients enlargement is essential like a IH3 penis enlargement capsules and IH4 Penis massage oil.

Common Penis Enlargement Supplements

The most popular herbal remedies typically include one or more of the following in best result for increase penis size

Male Extra – enhances penis enlargement, penis enlargement male extra promotes hardness, more intense orgasms, and increased libido

Climinax – increases stamina and erection hardness

VigRX Plus – penis enlargement supplement, with increased hardness, stamina, and more intense orgasms

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