How To Recover After Masturbation – How To Stop Masturbation Permanently
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How To Recover After Masturbation
How To Recover After Masturbation – How To Stop Masturbation Permanently. Masturbation is a part of sexual activity. Many people, especially young people, masturbate to experience sexual pleasure. In some ways, masturbation is beneficial. But for most people it can cause sexual weakness. This is an unnatural way to get happiness. If continuous or excessive masturbation is done, it can have serious side effects. But there are also some natural and home remedies to remove weakness from masturbation. In this article, you can know the remedies to remove weakness due to masturbation.

Causes Of Masturbation
People who do not get enough sexual pleasure use masturbation for satisfaction. In particular, the main reason for masturbation is believed to be greater desire and privacy in sex. It is not a disease but a dirty addiction which is not suitable for health and society. There are other reasons for a man or woman to masturbate . Which are as follows.
- The main reason for masturbation is prolonged isolation.
- Watching dirty videos , pornographic images as soon as you get time.
- Keeping in touch with pornographic women or men.
- Excess of sex.
Masturbation Weakness
In general, masturbation is an artificial way of achieving sexual pleasure for a man. Constant masturbation can be harmful for any man. This compulsive habit can also affect your sexual relations with your partner. Because you can only get excited by your touch. To enjoy healthy sex with your partner and to avoid the ill effects of it, one should try to get rid of masturbation addiction. Side effects of masturbation include:
- Weakness and fatigue.
- Lower back pain.
- Memory loss.
- Hair loss or thinning.
- Semen secretion (in men)
- Do not stand in the penis.
- The penis remains soft even when excited.
- Premature ejaculation.
- Here are some remedies to avoid all these problems. You can get rid of masturbation by using these remedies. Also, it can help to overcome weakness.
Methods To Stop Masturbation
- Decide to stop masturbation
- Avoid watching pornographic videos – say no to porn
- Empty the bladder – Empty your bladder
- Other ways to stop masturbation
- Everyone understands that masturbation is not a disease.
- It shows the ability to not be in control of your own desires.
- A lot of it also depends on the events happening around us.
- Let’s know how to get rid of masturbation.
Decide To Stop Masturbation
If you want to get rid of masturbation then make sure in your mind first. This is the first and most effective method that can overcome masturbation addiction. But you cannot win your addiction only once. Because sexual excitement can come in your body at any time. So whenever you feel sexual excitement, you get yourself busy with some work or relax. And gradually prolong the action of masturbation. For example, set such a goal 1 time in two weeks. In this way you can get rid of masturbation addiction by making sure in your mind that it is very simple and effective.
Avoid Watching Pornographic Videos
In today’s time, the trend of electronic media is very high. Due to which you can easily get distracted by watching sex related videos. So separate the collection of pornography in devices such as mobile phones, laptops, computers, etc., or avoid looking at them. Because seeing these can provoke sexual excitement in you which needs to masturbate to calm down. Some studies suggest that about 90 percent of people who watch prone videos masturbate. Thus, to avoid masturbation, one should avoid pornography as much as possible.
Empty Your Bladder
One of the major reasons responsible for masturbation can be a full or full bladder. A stuffed bladder can cause sexual excitement . Therefore, always keep your bladder empty. The stimulation of your sex organs can be maximum due to bladder pressure. It sends signals to our body and brain for masturbation. So if you want to reduce sexual excitement, then empty the bladder regularly. This is a natural way to control your masturbation.
Other Ways To Stop Masturbation
- Take 1 glass of warm milk and consume it with dinner. Apart from this, you should take 1 glass of saffron milk at night while sleeping . It works as an herbal remedy to prevent the ill effects of masturbation.
- Excessive exercise helps in eliminating the negative effects of masturbation.
- Such as walking , jogging, yoga , cycling etc. By adopting these exercises, you can overcome the urge to masturbate.
- Lack of sleep can cause hormonal changes in your body. Hormonal changes can be a major cause of masturbation. Therefore, getting sufficient amount of sleep can be helpful in preventing masturbation.
- Take 1 glass of warm milk and mix 2 teaspoons of ashwagandha powder in it.
- Consume this mixture before bedtime. It can also be helpful in controlling your desire for masturbation.
How To Recover Weakness After Hand Practice
As you know, masturbation is harmful to your physical health. This is because excessive amount of semen is expelled from your body during continuous masturbation. Apart from this, it also weakens our body. But to overcome this weakness some simple steps can be taken which are related to our food and drink. Let us know how we can overcome the weakness of masturbation.
Milk Is The Remedy To Remove Debility Caused By Masturbation
If you want to overcome the weakness caused by your masturbation addiction, then drink more milk. Regular consumption of milk and milk products is beneficial for your body. At least 2 glasses of milk should be taken in 1 day. Because milk is a product that removes the internal weaknesses of our body. Being zinc rich, it is also beneficial for the health of your penis. You can consume saffron with milk. Consumption of saffron milk before going to bed at night can remove this debility from masturbation addiction.
Almond For Removing Weakness From Masturbation
Super food almonds are beneficial for your overall health. It can play an instrumental role in promoting sexual health in particular and removing sexual weaknesses. It helps to increase strength, stamina in your body. You can regularly consume 4-5 almonds daily to remove weakness from masturbation . Apart from this, you can also consume almond milk. This can be an effective way to overcome weakness due to masturbation.
Water Is The Treatment Of Weakness Of Masturbation
If you are troubled by masturbation and are worried about physical weakness. In such a situation you should consume sufficient amount of water . This sounds normal, but drinking a large amount of water can be a good way to remove weakness from sexual mistakes. By drinking enough water, it helps to maintain blood and oxygen flow to the optimum level. Apart from this, it also helps in fighting physical and sexual exhaustion. Therefore, to overcome the weakness of masturbation, you can use enough water.
Ginger Is The Remedy To Remove Weakness From Masturbation
It is considered a medicinal herb because ginger has antioxidant properties. Consuming ginger improves your blood circulation and you can avoid the temptation of masturbation. Some studies suggest that the inclusion of ginger in the diet reduces the desire for masturbation in 75 percent of people. In this way, you can consume ginger to overcome your good health and weakness due to masturbation.
Avoid Non-veg And Eggs
You should avoid the consumption of carnivores and eggs while adopting remedies to eliminate weakness due to masturbation. Because these diets are complex foods that cannot be easily digested by our body. While digesting these foods, many chemicals are produced in the body which gives rise to the desires of masturbation. Therefore, you should consume these types of foods at least until you have complete control over masturbation.
Hand Practice Weakness Treatment
- You can include religious life in your daily life. For this you pray and use meditation to stay stress free . Read religious thoughts and other books so that you can change your thoughts and your focus does not go towards masturbation.
- You can use powder of jamun kernel to remove masturbation and its weakness. Regularly consume 3 grams of jamun kernel powder with water twice a day.
- This can help solve this problem.
- You bananas cut from middle and honey drink himself. It is also helpful in reducing the symptoms of sexual weakness and masturbation.
- Eat 1 apple regularly or consume 1 glass of milk twice a day.
- Drink cranberry and orange juice daily . They are good for removing weaknesses of masturbation.
- Include peanuts , seafood , green vegetables and sunflower seeds etc. In your diet. They help to compensate for the harms caused by masturbation.