Best Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation
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Best Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation
Best Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation. How to increase the time of having sex? how to increase sex stamina? And how to increase sexual power, etc. are some simple questions that are in every person’s mind. Having sex, that is, having sex is a natural process. Having a better sex life is also very important for the happiness of married life. Many problems such as decreased sex power and sex time, no erection, tension, nervousness, and erectile dysfunction also spoil the sex life, which directly affects your and your partner’s happiness.

People also use drugs to increase sexual stamina. Sex time can be increased with the help of drugs but its side effects are also prolonged. To increase sex time naturally you can use some natural tips. In this article, we are going to tell you in detail about some useful tips which are beneficial to increase sex time naturally. Let us know the essential tips to increase sex time naturally.
Natural Ways To Increase Sex Time
Many research has found that people who consume vegetarian food can have sex longer than those who eat non-vegetarian food. So if you want to increase your sex time, then eat vegetarian food.
Eat Vegetarian Foods To Increase Sex Time
Bananas , berries, mangoes, etc., have sufficient potassium, which can increase sex power and you can have sex for a long time. Therefore, one should include potassium-rich fruits like raspberry, avocado , banana etc. in your diet. Spinach is a powerful source of magnesium, which helps to dilate the blood vessels and thereby provides better blood flow to the genitals, which is helpful in creating greater arousal for men and women. Spinach and other green vegetables like broccoli, bananas, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage are good sources of sexual nutrients, folate.

Green-leafy vegetables also contain a significant amount of potassium. Consuming potassium-rich vegetables like spinach , broccoli, etc. increases the power of sex and you can have sex for a long time, so make sure to consume vegetables to increase sex stamina.
Drink Amla Juice To Increase Sex Power
Indian gooseberry ie Amla contains sufficient amount of iron, zinc and vitamin C which increases the sex power. Drinking Amla juice increases sex stamina and you can increase sex time naturally. Amla as a natural aphrodisiac is helpful in improving your sex life. Vitamin C present in it helps those suffering from low sperm to increase their sperm. Not only this, it also increases the sex excitement ie libido so that a person can enjoy sex for a long time. Apart from this, this fruit is also known to improve sexual strength and virility. Actually it is a better source of iron and zinc, due to which it plays an important role in improving sperm quality.
Eat Strawberries To Have Sex For A Long Time
Strawberries contain iron and zinc which increase sperm quality as well as it is a better natural remedy to increase sex stamina. Therefore, include strawberry in your diet, which increases sex power.
Don’t Consume Process Sugar
Process sugar reduces sexual stamina and at the same time their intake also makes sperm quality worse. Therefore, the intake of process sugar should be reduced so that your sexual health is correct and you can have sex for a long time.
Don’t Smoke To Increase Sex Time
By drinking cigarettes, bidis, cigars etc., the veins do not reach the blood of male genitals. Due to which there is a problem of not having an erection, which causes trouble in having sex. Do not smoke if you want to increase sex time.
Get Enough Sleep To Increase Sex Power
According to the University of Chicago, men who sleep for less than 5 hours have low testosterone levels in their body . Therefore, to improve sexual performance, it is very important to sleep for 7-8 hours throughout the day.
Exercise To Increase Sexual Power
Exercise is necessary to increase sexual stamina. Many yogasanas like cobra pose, Paschimottanasana increase the blood flow in the body, causing blood circulation in the genitals properly and increases sex time and sex stamina.
Avoid Consuming Alcohol To Increase Excitement
Consuming alcohol also slows blood circulation. Due to this, blood does not reach the genitals and erection problem arises, so alcohol should not be taken for long time to increase sex power and have sex.
Consumption Of Figs To Increase sex Power
Fig is delicious as well as beneficial in eliminating many sex problems. It is beneficial in treating problems like dysfunction, digestion, brochitis and asthma. Also it is useful in increasing sex drive. To increase sex time, include figs in the diet. Soak dried figs overnight and eat it during the day.
Eat Ginger To Increase Sex Stamina
Ginger is a natural herb that increases blood circulation. This is the reason that eating ginger increases both body temperature and blood flow, which also increases sex power. Consuming ginger to increase sex time is also very beneficial. Combination of ginger and honey is a better way to treat premature ejaculation. Ginger works to increase blood flow in the portion of penis. The effect of this is that you get complete control for ejaculation. Honey is also known as aphrodisiac. Eating it with ginger increases the power of ginger. You should drink half a teaspoon of ginger juice by adding half a teaspoon of honey before having sex.
Use Of Pumpkin Seeds For A Powerful Potency Recipe
Pumpkin seeds contain vitamins C, B, D, E, K, zinc, calcium , potassium, phosphorus, etc. which are useful for increasing the sex power of libido. Therefore, to increase sex time, consuming pumpkin seeds is beneficial.Consuming pumpkin seeds improves sexual power and performance. It increases fertility, potency, and sex drive. Pumpkin seeds have a good amount of zinc. Consuming a quarter cup of pumpkin seeds gives zinc about 17 percent of the daily requirement. Zinc is an essential mineral.