7 Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation
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7 Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation
7 Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation. What is premature ejaculation? Premature ejaculation, also known as rapid ejaculation or premature ejaculation, is defined as when a man climaxes too quickly during sex — often before or shortly after insertion or penetration. How does this affect his partner? Not only can the woman feel unsatisfied, but research shows that men who suffer from premature ejaculation are more likely to have psychological issues such as depression and anxiety — not exactly good for anyone involved in the relationship.

When your partner reaches orgasm before you do, premature ejaculation (PE) can be an embarrassing and frustrating experience that makes you feel like less of a man. This common condition affects most men at some point in their lives, but with the right treatments and patience, you can stop PE from interfering with your sex life. According to ayurveda, premature ejaculation occurs when any of the three doshas — vata, pitta, or kapha — are unbalanced in your body and mind.
There Are 7 Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Premature Ejaculation
This is best or common method to increase your sexual timing or stamina. it is all natural herbal treatment for early ejaculation.
1) Sage
2) Ghee
3) Ashwagandha
4) Coconut Oil
5) Honey and Ginger
6) Yawning
7) Empty Stomach Massage
1) Sage
Sage is considered to be an aphrodisiac in ayurvedic medicine. It promotes blood flow, which not only enhances sexual performance but also improves fertility. According to a study published in Phytomedicine, it treats premature ejaculation by increasing semen volume and quality of erections. It can be used both internally and externally (as oil or as paste on penis) with equal effectiveness. Add 2 teaspoons of dried leaves or 1 teaspoon of fresh leaves to milk or yogurt and consume every day before sleeping at night. You can also add 3-4 drops of essential oil directly on your penis during foreplay 20 minutes before intercourse with your partner.
2) Ghee
In many ways, ghee is like butter; it’s made by churning melted butter. One key difference is that ghee doesn’t contain any casein or lactose, which means it can be easier to digest than butter. Ghee is often suggested as a treatment for premature ejaculation—and as an overall health supplement—by Ayurvedic practitioners because of its ability to quickly penetrate tissues. (It also tastes really good on toast.) Just make sure you choose high-quality ghee that hasn’t been hydrogenated or altered in any way. As with all herbal remedies, ask your doctor before using it. Herbal supplements can sometimes interfere with pharmaceutical drugs and other supplements so it’s important to make sure they’re safe before taking them.
3) Ashwagandha
With its unique properties, ashwagandha is used to increase energy, stamina and build strength. It can also be used to help men with premature ejaculation. Men may take ashwagandha daily as a supplement or use it in topical creams and oils. Ashwagandha is considered a natural cure for premature ejaculation and over time is said to increase sex time naturally. An effective dosage is 0.5 grams three times per day. Ayurvedic treatment of premature ejaculation: Other treatments that have been reported to be successful include using olive oil on your penis before intercourse, applying sesame oil on your penis before intercourse and eating high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables which are said to help you last longer during sexual intercourse.
4) Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can increase sperm motility and acts as a natural lubricant, making it a viable treatment option. To try it, warm a few tablespoons of coconut oil and apply to your penis 30 minutes before intercourse. (Test it out beforehand to make sure it doesn’t cause any irritation.) If you don’t have time to wait around for that long, try some water-based lubricant. It will still do wonders for making things last longer—no matter which method you choose!
5) Honey and Ginger
Both of these ingredients can help reduce anxiety. A study found that men who used a combination of honey and ginger regularly as a sex stimulant reported better control over ejaculation, lasting an average of four minutes longer than those who did not use honey or ginger in any form. The combination was also shown to increase arousal among women who took part in the study. Menopausal women have even been known to use ginger regularly as a form of birth control because it helps regulate hormones that affect fertility. If you’re having trouble with premature ejaculation, try adding one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger root to your morning tea or lemon water before making love. Add half a teaspoon each of ground cinnamon and cayenne pepper for an added boost.
6) Yawning
Another interesting ayurvedic treatment for premature ejaculation is to induce yawning. Proponents of yawning as a premature ejaculation cure say that stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system by making you yawn will trick your body into entering a state of deep relaxation, leading to increased blood flow and better quality erections. If you have trouble getting in deep enough breaths and don’t have time to chug water or hold ice cubes in your mouth, take a moment during foreplay or intercourse to stretch or yawn. It might seem strange, but it will help! You can also try different yoga poses that are meant to stimulate blood flow—for example, if standing upright is too much work at that moment, try sitting with your feet propped up against a wall.
7) Empty Stomach Massage
According to ayurvedic medicine, strong emotions, high stress levels and negative thoughts are a leading cause of premature ejaculation. You can relieve these symptoms by massaging your testicles before you head to bed at night. A cup of warm milk mixed with some honey can also have a calming effect. Eating cucumber is also said to reduce anxiety in men, as well as calm both body and mind. Overall, making sure you eat a light meal at least three hours before having sex will help reduce anxiety and build confidence that might otherwise be lacking due to excessive worrying about premature ejaculation treatment in ayurveda.