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Cleardot Cream – acne and pimples

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Best acne and pimples Cream in India

acne and pimples
acne and pimples cream

Cleardot Cream effective formula that unclogs the pores, dries out the acne and pimples, enhances the complexion and helps in mitigating blemishes.

Because of the pollution the pores in the get clogged with dust particles which in turn develop into blemishes. Exposure to the bright sun also help to develop the blemishes in the skin, which you will find in your face, Cleardot Cream contains valuable herbal extracts that help clears blemishes, minimize pigmentation marks and tightens the skin to give it a fresh and youthful glow.

Apart from well known skin toning herbs like Neem, Chandan, Gulab etc. It is also enriched with the magical Ayurvedic blend of Kumkumadi Oil, which enhances complexion and cures discoloration of skin.

  • Nourishes the skin and also protects the skin from ultraviolet rays of sun.
  • Improve the complexion of skin by providing skin nutrients and vitalizesr.
  • It soothes skin & heals eruptions like pimples & black heads.
  • Protect against free radical damage and ensure that cells work at their optimum fighting bacteria and regenerating skin.
  • [schema type=”product” url=”—25gm-Prince-ph/pid-2603889.aspx” name=”Cleardot – acne and pimples cream” description=”Cleardot Cream effective formula that unclogs the pores, dries out the acne and pimples, enhances the complexion and helps in mitigating blemishes.” brand=”Prince pharma” single_rating=”3.8″ agg_rating=”251″ price=”Rs.110.00″ ]

Dosage: After cleaning the face apply the cream all over the face at night before going to bed.

Toxicity: It is non-toxic drug and safe even for prolonged use and leads to no untoward reaction.

Restrictions: Oily and Junk food.

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